Heather Brown - Curator & MC
Heather "Danger" Brown runs around convincing people that she knows what she's doing. For instance, curating stories, creating websites, speaking in public, etc. In her real life, Heather is the oldest of three siblings, the aunt of eight tiny humans, and the wife of one amazing person.
Rebecca Gurney - Curator
Rebecca shares her life and home with three wild and wonderful boys. She is happy to have joined the staff at GCPC. She enjoys listening to stories and telling them, preferably over a strong cup of coffee or a dark beer. Rebecca has a love for tomato sandwiches and fried okra...and a secret love of a popular 1990's female pop singer who shall remain unnamed.
Heather Gast - Curator
A native to the Asheville area, Heather considers herself blessed with great fortune to have not one but four good men in her life. The demands of family occupy most of her waking hours while working at Grace Covenant fill up the rest of her time with challenge and inspiration. Despite her busy schedule, she's never at a loss to lend an ear to hear a story or to offer a story of her own, a trait she credits to her father and his nearly endless supply of anecdotes. Thus the real.life.stories project is both a passion and an extension of her essence and as such leaves her both fulfilled and humbled through every iteration.
"The bravest people are the ones who don't mind looking like cowards." - TH White